In the packaging, the dew bottles are less variable and have traditionally maintained a relatively single package format. However, I think that the time has come to make some changes in the dew water bottle. First of all, the capacity of the toilet water bottle has always been 195ML for you, so there is a trend of more types of packaging for the bottle of water bottles. In general, the use of toilet water is not large, and it is used for mosquito bites, etc. Wild camping needs to be used. At this time, for convenience of carrying, small-capacity dew bottles are more in line with market demand. Secondly, plastic water bottle packaging such as PET, which is lighter and more resistant to shredding, is also cheaper. In the future, these materials will have a better market prospect. Finally, the toilet water bottle cap is more suitable for the use of sprinklers and other forms, which is conducive to the use of toilet water spray. No one product will be fixed and the packaging will be the same. The improvement and change of the dew water bottle is an inevitable trend. Doll Parts,Hole Doll Parts,Sd Doll Parts,Doll Parts Bjd Changchun Huadu Network Service Co., Ltd ,
Dew bottle improvement and change is an inevitable trend
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