Drupa exhibits a digital workflow

To accept any input and support any output. Digital printing must have a digital workflow. Therefore, what we do in the digital workflow is a big issue in this era. The goal is very simple, simply to imitate the artificial production process, and to use a digital process to simulate the artificial production process. It must be able to handle all tasks and overcome bottlenecks. It should be open to accept any input and support any output.

Here are a few kinds of digital workflow Drupa2O00 exhibition.

Prinergy Workflow Management Software Version 2.0

Both Heidelberg and CreoScitex Creo Sergeant show Prinergy 2.0. The new version exhibited by Heidelberg is called "Prinergy Connect". Also on display is "Prinergy Direct," a primary product for full-page PDF and Postscript output. Another product on display is "Prinergy Powerpack", a PDF workflow management software for packaging companies.

Prinergy Insite is important for maintaining users' loyalty to print or prepress businesses and can be used to access Prinergy systems through standard browsers and the Internet. This allows external production engineers to check PDF pages to suit the requirements of a specific job, download the pages, and remotely proof or identify the job's specific location and processing status.

Another new feature is the Jetbase interface with Prinergy. If a job is created in Jetbase, then a file with the same name and the same structure will be automatically generated in Prinergy. If the external production engineer prints a patched (Postscript format) layout from the Jetbase to the prinergy hot folder, Prinergy's automatic processing and output of the job will begin immediately. This extends the prepress workflow to the user's workplace. This process saves both time and efficiency. Between Signastation 6.0 and Prinergy, job information can be exchanged through job tickets and Signastation can be started from Prinergy. Prinergy can use Signastation's proprietary printing and post-processing capabilities.

Prinergy's other features:

Handle different layouts effectively, for example. The same set of jobs in different languages.

Export business management evaluation reports from Prinergy in business systems; re-audit information, for example, on RIP applications and imaging operations.

As a zip file, exporting specific job information (PDF layout, PDF pages, job tickets with imposition information, job tickets, etc.) from one Prinergy system to another Prinergy system allows simple exchange of jobs regardless of production site.

Expand the automation of the production process, can register data, modify and convert to PDF files, pre-checks, corrections, overprints, etc.) and implement the subsequent imposition.

Supports multiple data formats for input and output, including CT, PDF X-1A, direct input TIFF IT, PDF, output to Prinergy
DCS2 is a portal to PDF databases. Prinergy Direct is an introduction software for users who want to add PDF-based workflows to their own production processes. You can convert jobs into PDF pages and output them on a film outputter or platemaker. Prinergy Direct can also handle completed jobs based on job ticket systems (such as Pinergy Connect). These print jobs are printed from the application software to the hot folder, and hot folders are linked to the Prinergy Production Plan to automate the entire production process.

Prinergy can make corrections (add text, PDF normalization, spot color processing, OPI and conversion from RGB to CMYK, etc.) and output. The result is a complete PDF file with no errors, including all the data needed to image the output device. Print jobs after imposition can be proofed on the screen or printer. You can use the "WPS" software on your Macintosh to proof and allow the user to see the separations. You can see both the front and the back, and even zoom in or out.

CreoScitex showcased the new Brisque Extreme digital front-end software and Prinergy production management software at Drupa2000. The highlighted Internet application software specifically designed for the printing industry was highlighted.

Drive Internet Workflow

CreoScitex powers Internet application software, providing users with solutions that can adapt to various production environments and add value.

Prineergy InSite

It is part of Prinergy 2.0, an Internet-based product that allows users to send and download job data directly from the Prinergy system, enabling remote proofing, submitting comments, accepting or rejecting pages, managing information, entering secure jobs, and reporting online. Printers can enable their users to log in at any time, users can only see their own jobs, you can view the page thumbnails, re-view the page through the application. User change requests and page approvals are closely linked to the prinergy production system.

Timn Web

Timn Web is the Internet interface to the high performance timn data management solution, which enables users to access their image database on the Internet, including attributes. Once the location of the desired file is determined, a viewing software RenderView enables the user to check every detail of the high-resolution file up to the pixel. If the user wants to receive the file, it can be safely and quickly delivered through the Vio network.

Brisque Extreme 4.0

The latest version of the Brisque Extreme40 is a highly flexible and flexible industry standard that provides another powerful workflow for digital front-ends.

Support for multiple devices: The Brique Extreme 4.0 supports a digital front end to drive multiple output devices while performing other tasks. This capability can attract more than 12,000 existing users, who can use it to steer smoothly from the output film to computer-to-plate, and also reduce the difficulty of learning, thus alleviating the worries of operators in the face of this shift. In addition, the user can use this system to decide at the last minute whether to output the prepared file to the plate-making machine or the film output machine.

Brisque Extreme's variability: The combination of the Brisque Extreme 4.0 and the new QuarkXTension allows designers to create and manage multiple files. All kinds of files are connected very well, with the advantage of being able to use a Rip once, you can view the layout proofing or modification before imaging. This function provides designers with a simple way to deal with information in different languages ​​and different regions and to combine them.

Prinergy Powpack

Prinergy Powpack is an integrated, automated PDF-based workflow software for offset and flexo printing and packaging companies. Based on Adobe Extreme, PDF, PJTF, and Oracle databases, Prinergy Powpack makes digital packaging workflows reliable and predictable in the production process, which reduces errors and streamlines the production process. In addition to integrated Signapack features, special emphasis is also placed on overprinting and screening. The main features include intuitive automation, a powerful database, integrated color management capabilities and built-in Internet capabilities. Powpack is built on a solid, proven structure that is common to all Prinergy products.

Signastation 6.0

Heidelberg showcased Signastation 6.0 for digital imposition and CIP3-PPF workflow management software. Signastation plays an important role in prepress, and separate pages have been printed into a print layout. During this time, the CIP3-PPF (print production format) data required before and after printing is generated. Signastation 6.0 can be used for different workflows and different Rips to process PDF and Postscript files.

When signastation works in the Prinergy Workflow Management System, it generates job vouchers that include all the imposition information and its control tags. If there is a need for last-minute changes due to changes in the press, Signastation can implement all necessary changes quickly and reliably with its interactive dialogue with the workflow. You can also exchange pages before exporting to the Delta workflow. sigsatation uses the translated Delta list to directly implement the imposition. To save time, you can use signastation to encode directly on the output device. Signastation can also control Postscript RIP, even spell PDF jobs and turn them into Postscript files for RIPing. This means that PostscriptRIP can be maintained until the entire layout of the PDF workflow is established.

Flexible, automatic control that always sees control

The press layout is commonly used in the Signastation library. Using the complete folder layout library can automatically generate the appropriate layout, and individual folding layouts can be added at any time. You can also use the imposition editor to produce your own layout or make a manual imposition on the monitor. All of this is continuous visual control. Cutting and folding options, colors and labels and symbols can be added at any time.

Signastation uses OPI to reduce the amount of data. This means that low-resolution data is used during the imposition process and converted to high-resolution data only before being output to film or media.

CIP3-PPF realizes information communication between prepress and postpress

All the information in the prepress production phase is useful for the next stage of the production process, namely printing and post-processing. Sharing this information can reduce the preparation time for subsequent processes. It also includes information for color control devices, automatic register devices, and folding and cutting equipment. Signastation
The information is collected together with management data such as the job name and page number to make it CIP3-PPF. Heidelberg's prepress interface evaluates PPF and sends it to the press. It is used to pre-set ink zones, set automatic register control, and control and adjust presses. The print production format data is transmitted over the network to set up the folding and cutting machines.

The advantage of this method spanning different systems and production stages is obvious—the auxiliary time and waste are minimized, and mistakes and duplication in job preparation are avoided. The press cycle was shortened, the number of jobs was increased, and the CIP3 workflow managed by Signastation was the right path to potential rationalization.

CIP3: Continue to develop JDF

New rules and terms were adopted at Drupa 2000's CIP3 International Conference. The new organizational structure will further expand the association and currently it has more than 40 manufacturers members. One of the results is that the CIP3 International Association will undertake the development of the Job Definition Format (JDF). JDF is a standard developed by Adobe, Agfa, Heidelberg and Manroland. The goal is to make data exchange of jobs possible, including from job creation to distribution. Existing standards, such as Adobe's Portable Job Ticket Format (PJTF), CIP Print Production Format (PPF) and IFRA and IFRATrack, should be integrated into JDF (with photos ).

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