The Husé Rift is a cave site in northern Spain. In this "bone pit", the world's largest Middle Pleistocene human fossil component, including at least 28 bones, was unearthed. A team of Spanish paleontologists led by Juan-Luis Arsuaga spent more than 20 years digging and putting them together. These fossils are classified as Heidelbergensis (heidelbergensis), but also have the typical characteristics of Neanderthals. Until now, it has been impossible to study these unique ancient human DNAs. Matthias Meyer and the research team from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany have developed new technologies for extracting and sequencing highly degraded ancient DNA. They then collaborated with Juan-Luis Arsuaga to apply these new technologies to a cave bear from the Husse Rift site. After this success, the researchers extracted 2 grams of bone powder from the ancient human femur from this cave, extracted its DNA, and sequenced the mitochondrial genome (mtDNA). mtDNA is a small portion of the genome inherited down the matriline, with multiple copies in each cell. The researchers then compared this ancient mitochondrial DNA with Neanderthals, Denisovans, modern humans, and apes. Based on the missing mutations in this ancient DNA sequence, the researchers calculated that ancient humans in the Hurst Rift lived about 400,000 years ago. They also discovered that it had a common ancestor about 700,000 years ago with the Denisovans (the ancient Asian extinct people who were closely related to Neanderthals). "The fact that the mtDNA of the ancient humans of the Husse Rift and the Denisovans rather than the Neanderthal mtDNAs share a common ancestor is unexpected, because its skeleton remains are derived from Neanderthals. Characteristics, "Matthias Meyer said. Considering their age and Neanderthal-like characteristics, the ancient humans of the Huse Rift Valley may be closely related to the ancestral groups of both Denisovans and Neanderthals. Another possibility is that the gene flow of another ancient human group brought the Denisova-like mtDNA to the ancient humans or their ancestors in the Husse Rift. "Our results show that we can now study the DNA of human ancestors hundreds of thousands of years old. This opens up new prospects for studying the genes of Neanderthal and Denisovan ancestors," Max Planck Svante Pöbo, director of the Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, said. "This unexpected result points to the complex evolutionary patterns in the origins of the Anders and moderns. I hope there will be more research to help elucidate from the ancient humans of the Huther Rift to the Neanderthals and Denisowa The genetic relationship between people, "said Juan-Luis Arsuaga, director of the Center for Human Evolution and Behavior Research. Researchers are now achieving this goal by concentrating on obtaining DNA from more individuals from this site and obtaining nuclear DNA sequences. Dice Packaging,Dice Polybag Packing,Dice Ziplock Polybag Packing,Dice Storage Box Packing NINGBO BESCON GAMES AND APPLIANCES CO., LTD ,