Four scientific fitness principles give instant results

This is an era of knowledge explosion. It is also an era of efficiency. According to certain scientific principles, fitness efficiency can also increase rapidly, and fitness results will also be immediate.

First, FIT monitoring principle: frequency + intensity + time

FIT is the English abbreviation for Frequency, Intensity, and Time. It is a basic monitoring principle that people must take when they are engaged in health-related sports.

Number of times: It refers to a person's exercise cycle, such as the number of physical exercises per week. To get good physical activity, exercise at least 3 to 5 times a week.

Intensity: The intensity control of aerobic exercise can be achieved by measuring the heart rate. To gradually improve your existing physical fitness level, you must gradually increase the exercise intensity of your current exercise after adapting to a certain exercise intensity, that is, complete a cycle from adaptation to incompatibility to adaptation. The gradual process of exercise.

Time: refers to the duration of each exercise. In order to improve the endurance of the cardiopulmonary circulation system, aerobic exercise should last at least 20-30 minutes. The intensity of the exercise will directly affect the duration of continuous exercise, and in most cases the control of exercise time is much easier than controlling exercise intensity.

Second, heart rate monitoring

The increase in body temperature is estimated. When the human body is sick with increased body temperature, the body temperature rises by 1°C, and the children's pulse increases by 15-20 beats per minute; adults increase by 10-15 beats per minute. Therefore, when the person feels uncomfortable, it can be judged whether or not the fever is generated by measuring whether the An venous pressure increases.

Assess cardiac function. The same activities as the human body, such as stairs, gymnastics, and other exercises, the heart function is good for people with low heart rate, the rate of return to a quiet heart rate; on the contrary, high heart rate, slow recovery to a quiet heart rate.

Exercise fatigue. The morning pulse on the second day after exercise did not return to the morning pulse of the previous day. This indicates that exercise fatigue has occurred and the amount of exercise should be reduced.

Determine exercise intensity. Within a certain range, heart rate is proportional to exercise intensity. In order to accurately measure the heart rate during exercise, measurements must be taken within 5 seconds of the end of the exercise and the heart rate measured for 10 seconds multiplied by 6 as the heart rate for 1 minute during exercise.

Combining exercise load to assess cardiac function. Such as step test.

The maximum heart rate is the heart rate when the human body is doing extreme sports.

Maximum heart rate = 220-age

The target heart rate refers to the effective and safe exercise heart rate range when aerobic exercise is used to improve the function of the human cardiovascular system, and it is commonly used to regulate the exercise load.

Target heart rate = range between maximum heart rate × 60% and maximum heart rate × 80%
Third, the principle of overload and ten percent principle

The principle of overload refers to the fact that the body or specific muscles are stimulated more strongly than they are not exercising or stronger than adapted ones when exercising. The development of aerobic endurance levels can be achieved by increasing the number of exercises per week, the duration of each exercise, and the intensity of the exercise to achieve an overloaded exercise. The development of an overload of muscle strength exercises can be achieved by increasing the weight of the device, increasing the number of exercises or the number of exercises, or shortening the interval between exercises of each group.

The ten percent principle is a monitoring method that guides exercisers to use both the principle of overload and avoid injuries due to excessive exercise. The implication is that the increase in weekly exercise intensity or duration of exercise should not exceed 10% of the previous week. For example, if you continue to run for 60 minutes a day, you will need to perform an overload exercise the next week. The duration of running should not exceed 66 minutes. To follow other sports or increase exercise intensity should follow the 10% principle.

Fourth, step by step principle

The effect of physical exercise on physical fitness and health promotion is gradual and gradual. This principle requires a gradual increase in exercise load during physical exercise or the development of certain physical fitness qualities. In order to obtain the desired exercise effect, it is not advisable to increase the exercise load too slowly or too quickly. This principle is an important guarantee for maintaining physical exercise motivation and desire and preventing sports injuries. It is important to keep in mind that maintaining good physical health is a long and continuous process that requires a lifetime of pursuit. Maintaining a high level of athletic desire and love of physical activity is a key factor in successfully completing this long journey, and the continuous progress and successful psychological experience you have achieved during your school life will enable you to complete this in the future. A long journey played a very important role.

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