Plastic Pet Toys and pet tools
Pet Toys and pet tools satisfactorily connection with humans with the help of tchnologoy.
Help you clean pet's wastes easily.
Keep your pet away from the dirty environment.
It is practical and convenient.
It is our key belief that our workers and management staff complete all business with honesty,quality and responsibility in mind.With these principles firmly in place,we welcome clients from all over the world to establish a life time business relationship with us,as well as the people of insight to join our team for a bright future.
1 Effect of dot shape on dot changes
First of all, using Coreldraw8 as a test tool for gray-scale testing - gray scale ladder, its tone range is 5% -100%. The production line uses 40lpi, 60lpi, 80lpi, and 100lpi screen respectively, and the screen angle is 45 degrees. The screen points are selected as circular and square dots. The experimental materials used were coated paper, offset paper, 300 mesh screens, screen printing inks (fluorescent peach, fluorescent yellow, fluorescent blue), offset printing inks (red, sky blue, medium yellow, magenta), loved with X-RITE 528 Selenium densitometers and transmission densitometers measure the percentage of dots. Experiments were performed using the above experimental materials and instruments to obtain experimental data (as shown in the following tables). Based on these data, the percentage of dots on the film (F0) was taken as the abscissa, the percentage of dots on the printed matter (F-print) and the percentage of dots. Delta (â–³F) is the vertical axis (difference between the percentage of the print dot and the percentage of the film dot) Draw the dot change curve
2 Influence of the number of network lines on the change of network points
Experiment 2 Printed with the same number of screens, the same exposure time, the same substrate, the same exposure time, the same substrate, the same type of ink (40lpi, 60lpi, 40s, square dot, coated paper, offset red ink), The measured data are shown in Table 2.
From the data of Experiment 2 (Table 2) and the dot change curve (Figure 2), it can be seen that the higher the number of screen lines is, the higher the dot gain value is, and the larger the dot gain value is, indicating that the image is clear In this case, the greater the difference between the number of color separation screen lines and the number of screen meshes, the better the tone of the picture can be maintained; and the possibility of repetitive interference patterns is smaller, because 300 points of wire were used in this experiment. The net, when using a 100 lpi screened dichroic film, a moiré pattern has appeared on the produced plate.
Plastic Pet Toys,Dog Ate Plastic Toy,Plastic Dog Toys,Hard Plastic Dog Toys
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