Screen Selection Tips (I)

The screen is the skeleton of the printing plate, which is the substrate that supports the photosensitive adhesive or photosensitive film and directly affects the printing plate performance, printing quality and precision. Understanding the characteristics of the screen and selecting the right screen according to the printing requirements are the primary issues in creating high-quality screen printing products. The choice of the screen, specifically speaking, is to determine the type of screen, the number of meshes, and the number of stages.
1, the type and characteristics of the screen should be based on the accuracy of the original, the shape of the substrate and printing the basic requirements to determine the type of screen. According to its different materials, the screens are mainly divided into four types, namely silk, nylon mesh, polyester mesh and stainless steel mesh. Each wire mesh has its own specific properties (as shown in Table 1) and the specific scope of application (as shown in Table 2). It must be thoroughly understood before a reasonable choice can be made.

Table 1 Characteristics of Different Material Screens

Screen type

Silk nylon mesh polyester mesh of stainless steel mesh    Melting point energy (℃) - decomposed 2502561300 1400 Softening point (℃) 235 230 ~ 240 1400 ~ 1450 170 ℃

Extension response rate ( % )

( after stretching 3% )

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