1. Use welding to enhance 3D printed parts Recently, a group of researchers from Texas A & M University, Essentium Materials and Texas Tech have developed a method to enhance 3D printed parts. This method uses microwave irradiation to weld 3D printed parts by locally heating carbon nanotubes (CNT). In a paper titled "Welding 3D Printed Carbon Nanotube Polymer Composites by Local Microwave Heating," the researchers detailed the method. "We applied a CNT-containing coating to a 3D printed wire, and then irradiated it with microwaves after printing. It turned out that this increased the weld fracture strength by 275%. These significant results opened up a whole new range for additive manufacturing Design space, "the paper wrote. Through a plating bath process, the researchers applied the coating to industrial-grade PLA, and then printed the material into a rectangular sample structure on a Stacker500 desktop 3D printer. Subsequently, these samples were exposed to microwaves at 160 ° C for 60 seconds to melt the coated PLA and recrystallize on the printing line. Higher temperature, up to 240 ° C, can achieve stronger welding. 2. Use an open source extruder to turn waste plastic into 3D printed wire Researchers at Michigan Technological University are studying wire recycling. In an article titled "Energy Recovery Period of a Solar Photovoltaic Waste Plastic Recycle Bin System", the researchers discussed a solar version of the "Recycle Bin", an open source extruder that can extrude waste plastic . The researchers pointed out that recycling plastics is expensive and uses too much energy, because it is necessary to sort out different plastics and transport them to a centralized processing station. Collect plastic waste and use a "recycling bin" to make it into wire on site, which saves transportation and uses much less energy than large-scale centralized recycling, and can also increase personal income as long as you can convert them sell away. Using a "recycle bin", it takes only 10 cents to produce 1 kg of wire. This not only greatly reduces the cost of wire, but also can further promote the adoption of 3D printing and expand distributed manufacturing. The study calculated the energy payback time (EPT) of a solar-based “recycle binâ€, which turned out to be about a month, only 4% of a traditional energy-based “recycle binâ€. Editor in charge: Liu Yang Bed Base,Slatted Bed Base,Recliner Bed,Timber Bed Base Foshan Aussie Hcl Furniture Co., Ltd. , https://www.hclexport.com