Novasep Process recently announced the launch of its new Pack-n-Sep50 Series HPLC preparative column. Pack-n-Sep50 is the latest preparative column for purification processes from grams to 100 grams. The preparative column combines the advantages of a 50-cm id dynamic radial compression column (DAC) and the ability to package multiple preparative columns and can be used independently of HPLC, SMB, or Varicol systems. The company's new Pack-n-Sep series offers the following advantages to medical and procedural chemists: 1. Packages can be packaged and removed in less than five minutes. Zhejiang Lamon Technology Inc. ,
2. Intensive design: The equipment is particularly easy to maneuver and can be used to separate bed bases 27 to 34 cm in height.
3. The reliability is very high: most parts are the same as the Prochrom ® LC50 part of the market leader.
4. High flexibility: Whether it is a short column (SMB) or a long column (HPLC), the same packager is used for packaging.
5. Intelligent design: The same type of packaging device can be applied to several types of pipe string to meet the requirements of the laboratory, so that the price of equipment is competitive.
6. High efficiency: Pack-n-Sep can be fixed on the packaging machine according to the DAC mode to meet the requirements of high precision and long-term stability of the bed.
Source: China Packaging Network