The story behind the PressSIGN score

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As more and more print buyers begin to move into standard, digital track packaging , printers have to follow suit. In particular, factories that undertake overseas European and American orders in coastal areas, including factories certified by GMI (International Graphic Measurement), are almost always accustomed to using the UK's Bodoni Systems' PressSIGN software to digitally evaluate printed sheets with manual or automated color scanning instruments. Industry regulations

A high-scoring PressSIGN report will allow foreign customers to pay tribute to the quality of the print and be assured of signing; and a PressSIGN report that fails or alarms will make the customer frequent the forehead and complain about disappointment; otherwise the entire order is rejected. However, it was necessary to reprint the survey of the installed capacity of the paperback wireless binding line , and even directly affect the future business. ink jet

However, the very less optimistic reality is that, according to the author's visit, I found that many factories only stayed on the basic level of applying this software for daily work scoring, but they did not understand how the score came from. How can I get a higher score? To this end, EFI , the author wrote a more detailed explanation of this, I hope that not only can get high scores, but also can actually improve the printing color quality of the factory. Variable data printing

[Solution] lithography

l Rating mechanism. Tangshan Yuyin

In fact, PressSIGN is a printing sample evaluation system for mainstream domestic applications. Its score is not the traditional Chinese method of deducting high-fidelity printing . It is based on the percentage of the project. It seems that this is also the European study test. Judging rules. FIG Example The following example: a total of six ratings projects, out of 94 points, a score of 76 points the current measurement, current measurement is the final score and the score value of the ratio of the total tab is rounded to 81%. Ink supply

In the final rating of PressSIGN, if there is a project showing "N/A", it means that the project is not involved in the assessment. Packaging safety

Therefore, sometimes the overall score exceeds 100 points, and sometimes the overall score is less than 100 points. Heidelberg can calculate the proportion to get the final percentage score, depending on the number of items and the distribution of scores. Equipment operation

When there is a spot color part, the spot color and the four colors separately participate in the scoring; the spot color score is only the percentage of the measured score of the spot color single item and the target total score of the single item; the CMYK score excludes the sum of the items other than the spot color. The percentage of the measured score and the target total score. The final total score is still the percentage of all participating project calculations and the target total score. RIP

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