Look at how the EU extends the validity of fresh-cut fruit packaging by 2 to 3 times

At present, the biggest challenge for the expansion of the fresh-cut fruit market in the EU is its shelf life, which is usually between 2-3 days. The European Union's Seventh R&D Framework Program (FP7) has funded several related companies and R&D centers to form a European EASYFRUIT R&D team. After more than two years of hard work, it has successfully developed affordable fresh-cut fruit quality packaging technology that can guarantee shelf life. Effectively extended to 5 days.

At present, the biggest challenge for the expansion of the fresh-cut fruit market in the EU is its shelf life, which is usually between 2-3 days. The shelf life was effectively extended to 5 days, which basically reached the EU shelf life standard of 7 days for fresh fruit.

The requirements for quality and safety standards for fresh-cut fruits are relatively high. The research and development team maximises the use of advanced environment-friendly production processes for the freshly cut processing of fruits and uses the waste generated during the processing to successfully develop new pollution-free organics. Packaging materials, and on this basis to produce a different series of specifications of the active packaging trays and packaging film products.

The greatest advantage of innovative packaging technology is that there is no need to make any changes to the traditional packaging production process, which means that there is no need to increase any additional investment burden, which will help the commercialization of new technologies.

The EU solution for extending the shelf life of fresh cut fruit has selected five EU packaging companies for pilot commercial applications, which will help to significantly increase the company's turnover and profitability.

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