Computer workers, when you see you at the computer, you can see what is placed on your computer desk. No matter what the three or seventy-one, what you usually need to use is placed next to the computer. You must know that you are free to put things on the computer. The desktop is going to affect health. Women like to place some small plants, men, generally like to put the ashtray on the table, easy to smoke, let us take a look at these potential hazards! First, smoke, cigarette butts Like cigarettes, cigars or tiny particles of smoke that can harm your lungs, smoke can also run into your floppy drive and jeopardize the data. Smoke can also cover the read heads of CD-ROM and DVD drives, causing read errors. Tobacco ash is more likely to cause a significant drop in the quality of your printer and scanner. Solution: The best way to protect your system and yourself is to not smoke. If you just can't stop smoking, go outside and pump the air freshener around the computer! Of course, don't use your keyboard as an ashtray. Second, the computer should not place snacks or drinks. Your usual habits, retain a lot of "fossils", rice, biscuit residue, hair, etc., no wonder some people say: the keyboard in the public computer room is dirty than the public toilet. At the same time, such fragments may enter your keyboard and block the circuitry on your keyboard, making input difficult. The harm of the drink is even more powerful, and once it is enough to destroy your keyboard. It’s just that your keyboard is not destroyed. I’m afraid it’s very sticky. Solution: Avoid eating on the keyboard, clean him every time, bath (although it is still very dirty); if you have a fuller pocket, you can consider changing the keyboard for half a year (I never recommend using bad) The keyboard, that's about health issues. Try it, it should be better. Also remember to buy a table for your room.
1. Maternity Support Belt relieves the low back and pelvic pain during pregnancy. Helps reduce low back pain & fatigue during pregnancy Maternity Belt, Pregnancy Belt, Baby Walker, Baby Carrier, Nursing Cover, Maternity Support Belt Shijiazhuang AoFeiTe Medical Devices Co., Ltd. ,
2. Maternity Belt keeps warm to provide good circumstances for baby. Helps the baby grow up healthily
3. Maternity Belly Band helps blood circulation, protect from leg edema, Supports average pressure, help to protect from abortion
4. Postpartum mother skin is flabby, abdomen greaten, under the action of gravity, the entrails is easy to droop. The postpartum corset belt can not only slim our waist, but also can prevent the entrails to droop.
5. Pregnancy Belt can lift your abdomen, prevent the entrails to droop, and it can also promote uterine contraction, help to restore body function.
6. Maternity Belt Back Support can adjust your body, fix fat, correct your posture.
7. Pregnant belly belt is designed to be easy to put on without assistance.